Let's Dive in Life!


Hello beautiful souls - movers - life travellers!!


Join us in a peaceful atmosphere, sea, sun, fresh air (we are on the roots of  the olympus mountain!), a respectful and caring comunity, a location to connect with ourselves, mother earth and others 

A huge stage will be constructed on the beach next to the sea offering Ecstatic dance and 5Rhythms©, Azul, mindful voice & movement practices, Contact improvisation, Yoga, live DJ sets, holistic appriachedm mixed with the Greek culture!     

Our goal and desire is to offere the opportunity to explore various arts and discover new ways of connection whit ourselves, with others and the mother earth.


We will be hosted in a beautiful hotel & camping with private beach, pool,  bar and the dance floor will be next to the sea  and with amazing greek traditional food made with love and care!


The festival will take place in north Greece at the roots of Olympus mountain and... who knows if the Greek gods will give us a look from their residence in Olympus!!

Dance, music, yoga, excursions and good vibe!!


Are you ready to dive in?

Become part of this unique journey!

Each one is important and we don't want to miss your vibes and energy!!




Kareem Raihani

Shaman of Dance, Ecstatic Dance Master, Dance Floor Magician…


Kareem Raïhani has been called many names for the ecstatic journeys he creates world wide on festivals, gatherings, retreats and ceremonies. More then 20 Years, Kareem shares his music world wide and mixes like no other different styles of dance music. Graduated at the Amsterdam High School of Arts – Contemporary Dance

Academy, Kareem started his artistic career as a professional theater dance performer.

After 10 years of dedication for dance he decided to make others dance. Nowadays, ‘Shaman of Dance’ Kareem Raïhani has become a legend in the Conscious Dance Scene. In many countries he is considered the man that can combine deep, devotional and spiritual music with celebration. His sets are containing most his own productions and remixes. Om Namo Bhagavate By Kareem Raïhani and David Lurey is probably the biggest mantra dance hit so far, streamed and downloaded in more then 50 countries. Kareem’s life and music is close to the heart and to Mother Earth, respecting ancient knowledge and conscious of modern technology.

Dagmar Cee



Trained and authorized by Gabrielle Roth, Dagmar Cee has been teaching and organising the 5Rhythms® internationally (since 2005 on the Waves and since 2010 on the Heartbeat level). Her background is photography and Media Art. She is a 5Rhythms nomad and her homebase is Berlin.

The 5Rhythms® are a movement meditation and a wonderful tool for self-exploration. The practice is as simple as profound. Its formless form gives us the right balance between structure and freedom to allow our bodies to find their very own dance getting closer to who we really are.

“5Rhythms® are my medicine - a meditation that navigates me through times when I forget who I really am. That leaves me as a compassionate being connecting body, mind and heart and quietening my chattering ego. I love to share my medicine and my own research with people around the globe." D.C.

Ippokratis Veneris

Contact Improvisation


Teacher, dancer, choreographer, deepen and studies dance and other arts for more than 20 years. In his lessons of contact inserts elements from the various disciplines that has studied extensively over the years as: floorwork, release technique, experiential anatomy, applied anatomy, dupuy technique, acrobalance, martial arts, afro dance, ballet, alexander technic, chi kung, dance theatre and much more.
– In the past collaborated with the UNIVERSITY OF ROME “Roma 3”, department of “Philosophy of Education” giving lectures about “Pedagogy, C.I. and personal researches on teaching”.
- Received an open
scholarship in Brussels (PARTS-ROSAS Dance Company) l.

– has been professor in the theatre school “il Cantiere Teatrale”.
- 2018 award: His work as choreography director for the Pina Bausch "The Nelken line in Rome". An international project of 25 dancers of 11 different countries. Receives the second award of Lazio Film Festival Commission.
– Has collaborated -teaching and making shows of improvisation- with the Italian National Organisation of Theater.
– Teaches regularly Contact Improvisation developing his own method.
– Teaches in different places around Europe.
– Has collaborated with Roberto Castello-Aldes for “Narrate” premium UBU as the best dance theatre production of the year in Italy and many others.
– Co-founder of CORE an association of choreographers of central Italy to promote the rights of the live performing arts
– Co-founder of RomaContact a collective of dancers who promote and give shows of improvisation and Contact Improvisation.
- Artistic director of Jam of Arte festival
– As a choreographer, dancer and improviser has organized and participated at many international events. 


Cristina Crescenzi

Azul, Ecstatic Dance


With over 15 years of experience in personal growth and mindfulness practices, she was the first Certified Teacher of Azul Conscious Movement in Italy, a practice derived from the 5 rhythms and trained in Hawaii by the method's creator, Amara Pagano.
Since 2017, she has been guiding Azul Conscious Movement practice and is part of the international school of Azul Conscious Movement, mentoring new teachers in this captivating approach.
As a conscious dance teacher and facilitator, she introduced Ecstatic Dance to Italy in 2015, a liberating form of dance originating from Hawaii over 20 years ago.
Co-founder of the Ecstatic Dance Italy project, she is a cornerstone of the Italian community.
Founder of the Silentwaves practice, since 2020 post-pandemic, as a response to emerging needs: reconnect with life, feel the connection with the body, others, and the nature.
Her talent lies in awakening the potential and uniqueness of individuals through body reconnection. Her passion is to share this journey of exploration and liberation with anyone desiring to connect with themselves through the power of conscious dance.


Aliki Dourmazer

Mindful Movement & Voice


Aliki Dourmazer is a performer, actress, director, vocalist and teacher of Physical Theater & Voice since 1999. She is the artistic director of ‘Present Being Performer Laboratory’ - Physical Theatre & Performance Laboratory in Thessaloniki where she teaches and directs. He is a graduate of BA 'Theatre Studies' and Master in Arts in 'Ensemble Physical Theatre', University of Huddersfield. She trained in psychophysical actor training and Ritual theatre by Phillip Zarrilli and Nicolas Nunez, ‘Ensemble Physical Theatre’ by John Britton and ‘Voice is the Body’ by Chris Coe.
Having entered the world of Yoga and other spiritual practices since 1996, they have been a significant influence in the understanding and the shaping of her teaching approach on the basic principles of Physical Theatre. She has co-organised and attended ‘5 Rhythms Dance’ workshops with Cathy Ryan and she has been using elements of this moving meditation in her work. Energy awakening, mindfulness and the journey of self-awareness fuel and inspire her artistic steps.
In collaboration with Angeliki Tasovali, Tai Chi and Qigong instructor, she organizes and teaches in the Retreats "Holiday Retreat Balance and Bliss" and "Spring Retreat Transformation and Growth" where she teaches 'Mindful movement and the Expressive Body'.



Ecstatic Dance D.J


Polarny, an award-winning DJ and producer based in Brazil, crafts and curates transformative experiences,
seamlessly bridging Afro-Indigenous cultures with the Western world. Renowned for his hypnotic DJ sets,
he captivates audiences worldwide by effortlessly blending tribal, tropical and electronic beats.

A passionate advocate for conscious dance and an entrepreneurial spirit, Polarny thrives on merging cultures and
fostering meaningful global connections.


AlReem Behzad

Bothmer Movement Meditation, 5Rhythms and HSE informed Yoga.


A sculptor and theatre director with a dedication to therapeutic movement. Reem is a certified 5rhythms teacher and Yoga instructor, with a vast background in various body-mind practices including Dance Psychotherapy, Bothmer, Authentic movement and Hannah Somatics (HSE).


Body-mind practices have the capacity to alchemise what is unprocessed within us and to inform us. This sort of alchemy can never be achieved with the mind alone. My chosen tools are the ones I found to work most powerfully on me, namely the 5rhythms and Bothmer “Gymnastics” otherwise know as Bothmer Movement Meditation. 


It will be a great honour for me to introduce you to the practice of Bothmer at this coming Sundance Festival. You will explore and learn a finely studied sequence of movements designed to align the body, mind and soul, bringing you into presence within yourself and your relation to the world around you. 



Jam of Arts Festival


Before the SunDance Festival will take place on the same space the Jam of Arts Festival from 23 to 29 of August
The festival is dedicated to Contact Improvisation, Somatics, Feldenkrais, Ilan Lev method, improvisation and much more!
We have spacial prices for who wants to join both festivals!
For more informations visit: www.jamofarts.com


The location


We will be hosted in a beautiful hotel & camping with private beach, pool,  bar and the dance floor will be next to the sea  and with amazing greek traditional food made with love and care!